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Saturday, May 31, 2014

How to Make your Child drink Regular Milk

My son hated regular milk and formula.  He not only refused bottles, he refused vitamin D milk and Toddler's formula.  I was so concerned because my milk supply started to reduce and he kept rejecting regular milk.  Here are few things you can try to make your toddler start liking and drinking Vitamin D milk. 

Remember if your child is transitioning from formula and Breast milk to regular milk it will be hard and slow process.  Some babies love the flavor of regular milk and some babies not so much.   In the case your baby doesn't like the flavor try few of the ideas listed below and hopefully they will help you.  

Be calm, don't stress and go at your baby's speed. Encourage your child every sip of milk they take in.  They won't start liking the milk overnight however, after long and hard try they will start drinking milk.

1. Mix breast milk with regular milk. Try slowly and start by adding half an ounce of regular milk to breast milk.  You can do same thing for formula.

2. Mix banana or any fruit into regular milk. It will almost taste like smoothie or milkshake.

3. Pull out the big kid cup or a sippy cup. You can drink milk with your child.  Put it in a mug and offer few sips as your drinking milk.  When they choose the cup they want they might be more willing to drink out of it.

4. Add milk, yogurt and cheese into your babies food.  They might reject 

5. Make milk as a choice of drink with meals and as a snack.

6. Try flavored milk for a little older kids. 

7. Try Organic Horizon Vanilla Flavored Milk.  It has a pretty closer consistency to breast milk because it's thinner.  It's not preferred choice of milk for kids over 1 and under 2 because it's low in fat however, if your child completely rejects regular milk I am sure he/she will start drinking this milk slowly.  And once they get use to this milk you can start offering regular milk. 

I hope some of these ideas work for your baby.  Good Luck

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