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Thursday, February 12, 2015

2 year old as a BAD Example

My 2 and 4 month old is being looked at as a bad role model and bad influence. Just WOW.....

My child unintentionally hurts other kids by pushing or bitting and parents are  using him as an example of how you shouldnt act like him.

No, my child is not perfect and no I am definitely not saying its an acceptable behavior. I discipline right away by giving him Time Out, removing him from the situation and talking to my son after the situation so he can try telling me why he did what he did and he knows we dont hurt others.

Is it me or are parents getting more and more aggressive and expecting kids to behave like 30 year old mature adults. Where has the understanding of child behavior and psychology go?

Why are others parents using the victim card or calling out the offender when they dont want their child to misbehave? Why is my child being put under the bus?

I guess we cant all satisfy everyone and we cant expect everyone to understand. I know,no one said parenting was going to be easy and dealing with other parents was going to be easy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Indian American Kid vs. American Kids

We have all wondered why my Indian kid doesnt eat or sleep on time. If you are one of those Indian moms whose kid only eats only white color food, blend food, only 1,2 different type of food, refusing to eat, gaging at just looking at what you have put on your plate, I feel your pain and so many moms do as well. Many of you may also be wondering why is my indian kid so stubburn and not eatting  by themselves or sleep on their own or play own their own.

Seriously, why does it matter whether you are Indian or American? Why do we find our sleves comparing and wondering what other parts of the world parents are doing? 

Yes, I too find myself comparing my child to other kids but I stop myself from wondering. Who cares if the kid in your son's day care sleeps by 7pm or your neighbors kid eats perfctly fine on his/herself or eats everything offered on his/her plate. No one said parenting was going to be easy. 

I raise my child the way I want him to be as a he grows up. Yes, I comfort my son, yes, I help him eat, yes, I pick  him up right away when he is wanting something or hurt. Not at all times, but I break alot of rules that we are suppose to follow. Who creates these rules anyways?

I put my son to sleep at 10pm so he can spend quality time with his father when he comes home from work. We speak to him in 2 different languages because its a skill he will appreciate when he is older. He will figure out language barrier on his own if he has issues in school. I put different types of cuisines on his plate as often as I can so he learns to eat variety. If at a playground, he is bullied, my husband tells him to stand up tall and learn to fight back against bulling. Literally, the list can go on and on. Look at each negative issue  from positive point of view.

I refuse to take part in this different culture race where there is no finish line. There is NO finishline when it comes to parenting no matter what part of the world you are from. STOP asking, Stop Comparing and Stop WONDERING. After all, we all have Only ONE thing in common which is PARENTING SO let your child be a child. Teach your child to be a good person and human.  And as parents all we can do is teach good values, culture and pass tradition. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

2015: Eating Smart Resolution

My new 2015 resolution isn't' to loose weight like every year after year.  In fact, this year I have decided to eat healthy and eat smart. I feel like every year I say I want to go on a diet, I end up eating more than I really need to eat.  So, I have decided to cut my portions to what I am actually suppose to eat.  By no means, my meals are healthy or perfect but I plan to make my meals much healthier than before. 

Here is what I am eating for lunch today. 1 cup of Salad with red peppers, lettuce, black beans, and feta cheese. 1 Cup Cheese Ravioli.