So recently our entire family decided to travel to Dubai. Super long 12 hour flight. Before we even took off, we started to read many things to help. And honestly didnt help us much. But here are few things that helped us, may be these will help you.
1. Travel light.
2. Dont panic and overpack for your toddler.
3.You dont need dozens of toys. Just like 2, 3 of your childs favorite.
4.Carry a stroller or a sling
5.Pack an old cell phone. Kids love gadgets.
6. Pack a tablet with your childs favorite or distracting songs, videos.
7.Videos of family members or his/her own
8. Lots of diapers and lotssss of wipes
9. Milk, formula
10. Tylenol. Give them proper dosage before flight take off
11. Teething tablets
12. Comfortable pillow for mom because the baby might get clingy which means youll need comfortable pillow
13. Ask for a basinet. Great way to store all the stuff so you dont have to get up every few minutes.
14. Take balls so you can roll them around the plane
15. Wear super comfortable clothes and carry extra clothes for you and baby
16. Carry food, formula, and snacks
17. Let your baby play with ice cubes, and straws,
18. Play stacking cups game
19. Let them play with the tv, remote control.
20. Dont worry about your neighbors. Just worry about your baby. Seriously if people dont have kids they wont understand.
So take a deep breath, relax and hope for the best. It will be okay. Go at tour babys pace. Be prepared to not get alot of rest.
These might be lame but these few tips helped us. Hope they help you.
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