Hello all,
So its one of those days when you are beat, tired and feeling under the weather. Your body has run out of energy but your little one definitely has not. Here are few ideas that will keep your little one busy so you can catch some slack.
Just as a side note, these are few tips that have worked for me. I didnt sit here and research, just my thoughts.
1. Lay down and read with your toddler.
2. Get the crayons, pens and paper out because scribbling is great way to keep them busy for sometime.
3. Hide items around one room and while you are sitting down, ask them to go find the items such as balls or their favorite toys.
4. Pull out your laundry basket and drag it around.
5. Bring out your pots and pans and play drums.
6. Help your child organize small storage containers.
7. Pull out your albums or show them pictures of family on your laptop or phone.
8. Fill a container with things such as balls, shapes pieces or spoons.
9. Arrange a playdate so other mom's can help you.
10. Buckle them up in a stroller and go for a leisurely walk.
11. Play hide and seek by covering your face with a towel.
12. Give your child his/her favorite snack.
I hope some of these can help you as they have helped me.
Good luck and take care of your self.
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