As parents we all struggle to get all the nutrients and vitamins into our little ones. Let's face it, we try our best but we can't always be successful. My son has been a poor eater since he was born and when he is teething it gets worse. After about 20 months, I had enough of it because he just wouldn't eat no matter what I put on his plate. So, after reading many things online, talking to doctors, nutritionist and other parents here are the tips and tricks that worked for me. I hope they work for you as they have worked for me.
- Be prepared mentally. Put your foot down and get strong for about a week.
- Offer Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack.
- Do not offer any meals or snacks in between.
- Put a plate of food with 3 options. For Example, Lunch put whatever you want them to eat, veggies and 1 thing they enjoy.
- If they don't eat any of it, ask if they are done with the meal. If done, take the plate away.
- DO NOT OFFER any other foods if they did not eat their meal or snack.
- Distract them if they skipped their meal/snack because you want them to feel and understand the hungry feeling.
- Eat same foods yourself that you want them to eat.
- Eat Together as family.
- BEING STRICT FOR FEW DAYS WITH A STRICT ROUTINE WILL REALLY HELP. The goal of this is to change their behavior towards eating.
- THEY WILL EAT when they are HUNGRY. It's harder for us to see them not eat for 2,3 hours than it is for them.
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