My 2 and 4 month old is being looked at as a bad role model and bad influence. Just WOW.....
My child unintentionally hurts other kids by pushing or bitting and parents are using him as an example of how you shouldnt act like him.
No, my child is not perfect and no I am definitely not saying its an acceptable behavior. I discipline right away by giving him Time Out, removing him from the situation and talking to my son after the situation so he can try telling me why he did what he did and he knows we dont hurt others.
Is it me or are parents getting more and more aggressive and expecting kids to behave like 30 year old mature adults. Where has the understanding of child behavior and psychology go?
Why are others parents using the victim card or calling out the offender when they dont want their child to misbehave? Why is my child being put under the bus?
I guess we cant all satisfy everyone and we cant expect everyone to understand. I know,no one said parenting was going to be easy and dealing with other parents was going to be easy.