I gained almost over 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I really thought it was going to reduce because of constant breastfeeding. However, its not easy and weight doesn't just come off. But I wish I had followed just few of these steps to help shed some of my weight. I knew I wasn't going to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight however it would of helped me feel lighter, refreshed, and helped not gain additional weight. I was constantly hungry, probably more than while I was pregnant. Anyways, lets get to it.
¤ Drink water and lots if it. This will help not eat junk food. Drink up while you are breastfeeding
¤ Eat Salad at least as your 1 meal
¤ Eat More often. Don't just inhale lots of food at once
¤ Eat actual food instead of junk. Just because you are breastfeeding doesn't mean you need more food or junk. Everything you eat passes to the baby so why not eat the best. Eat fruits, drink smoothies, salads, and lots of protein
¤ Sleep when your baby sleeps and get help to watch your baby so you can rest. If you are tired and sleep deprived you will lean on food to make you feel better
¤ Go for a walk for at least 15 minutes everyday. Seriously, walking helps. Walking will get you away from everything especially baby blues
¤ You will crave junk food so eat whatever you want but instead of eating 2 chocolates eat one. Portion Control is the key
¤ Wear SPANXs, Tummy belt or any sort of clothing that will tighten your stomach muscles. This will help extremely tighten up your stomach muscles
¤ Exclusively Breastfeed. The more you breastfeed along with pumping the more calories you'll burn
¤ NO Soda and No Alcohol
¤ Don't try to wear your old clothes. It's depressing and it will make you cry. Focus on your baby, your own health instead of fitting into your old clothes. Not everyone has super model body or has resources to get into shape. So by taking small steps you will see results.
Even if you do nothing and just take small baby steps to get healthy. Yes, it would be nice to go back to pre pregnancy weight over night but the reality is you had a baby. Your body has completely changed physically, emotionally and mentally. You are going through a lot so focus on your baby, your health and last focus on your weight.